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Paul Anderson RPSGT

Clinical Director, St. Thomas Hospital Health - Sleep Center


"I am the clinical director for the St. Thomas Hospital Health system of sleep centers. I have been in the sleep medicine field for over 20 years. I recently used HUSO and was completely amazed at how my body felt after just one session. I distinctly remember hearing the various tones, and then simply went somewhere just as the third series of tones began. The next thing I remember was the practitioner opening the door. My entire body was calm and extremely relaxed.

I have worked with patients over the years who suffer from insomnia, anxiety, restless legs, and sleep apnea. I truly believe there is a large segment of the sleep patient population that would greatly benefit by using HUSO."

Helen F.

Sydney, Australia


I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue in 2002 but was told I had both diseases for over 30 years. I, of course, have used homeopathic treatments, restructured by diet etc. for these past 14 years. My friend told me about HUSO... I have never slept so well in the past 14 years as I have since using HUSO. I use to get up 4-5 times a night but the other night I only got up 1 time. It is a miracle.

I am having the same results as others on the calmness of mind. It is wonderful. Also, my pain from fibromyalgia has decreased which is why I can sleep so much better at night. This has been a real lifesaver. HUSO has helped more in the short time I have used it than all the supplements and diet changes and stress reduction techniques over 14 years.


Derrick Morgan

Linebacker, Tennessee Titans


"I was referred to HUSO by someone who said it would make you feel "relaxed". After my first session, it did just that. However, I noticed several additional benefits such as a calmness of mind. I was able to compete at a high level due to an increased level of focus and clarity. It seemed as if the game slowed down for me and I was able to just flow. I am a big believer in taking care of your mind first in order to take care of the rest of your body and HUSO has been a welcomed addition to my overall training regimen."

Mary R.

Bay Fish, Wisconsin


"It's been almost a month since I received HUSO and I am most impressed. My own personal gains include increased energy, decreased anxiousness, better sleep, less reaction to negative energy, a sense of confidence and an ability to be in the moment. Wow! Pretty nice results! Thank you! My whole being is drawn to the tones, so if I miss a day, I know it! Physically, while running the session I can sometimes feel healing taking place...slight physical reactive/uncomfortable sensations followed by release. Thanks so much for all you are doing to help bring the planet to greater awareness and health."

Sara W.

Seattle, Washington


We have been very pleased with the HUSO treatments for our nine-year-old daughter. She is a highly sensitive child who experiences difficulty in being able to calm herself on a consistent basis. I have brought her in for treatments when she is in the midst of a difficult time of being able to regulate and control her emotions. We have been so amazed and pleased that after a treatment and a good night's sleep, she is able to regulate her emotions once again and handle the daily stress of school and life…. Her teachers have also noticed this change in her. It is as if an emotional weight has been lifted off of her overnight. We are so thankful to have found this treatment and that we've seen such great improvements in our daughter's well being.

Eric S.

Washington, D.C.


“Love HUSO - simply the most calming and centering sound therapy I have ever tried - and I have tried dozens of meditation tracks, 2 PEMF type devices, and many body-mind techniques. And what is fantastic is that the calm is very deep and durable lasting for hours if not days. And everything else I am doing to support my health just seems to work better…”


Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD

World Renowned Holistic MD + Founder of Klinghardt Academy and Sophia Health Institute


"HUSO is the perfect complement to our treatment protocols. I find it balances the autonomic nervous system allowing patients to go more deeply within after treatments. HUSO is an excellent meditative and relaxing technique that can activate the higher levels of healing and can potentiate most other treatment modalities."


Susan Rohr BSN, RN

Owner of Brookfield Health and Wellness


"HUSO created a deep and vital shift in my entire being with one treatment. As an integrative practitioner, I am very selective in equipment therapy that I bring into my clinic for my Lyme, chronic infection and cancer-based patients. HUSO brings an element of healing that patients of all ages will benefit from on a physical, emotional and spiritual level."

WeiKheng F.

Los Angeles, California


I use HUSO on my 23-year-old son who has difficulty keeping focus and track of what he is doing. After using the home unit, he reports a significant increase in his concentration level, and ability to sleep more soundly. I observe that my son seems more focused and less distracted. I just wish I had this machine a few years earlier when my son was in High School where the benefits would have been extremely useful to him then. 
I've also used HUSO on a good friend of mine, and the results were a dramatic increase in his ability to concentrate and a more calm demeanor observed not only by this person, but also noticed by me. 
I use the HUSO machine on myself often. I find the Clarity mode to have the most benefit for me. I suffer from debilitating chronic pains, and I have trouble keeping focus as well as suffer from insomnia. While HUSO helps me in both areas, the most benefits I notice are my ability to keep alert, concentrate better, and have a higher level of energy within me that lasts for a few days each time I use the machine. HUSO is amazing for what it can do and I'm very happy with my investment!"

Dr. Rekha Rao



"I use HUSO therapy for my patients with anxiety and insomnia. They are able to sleep better and deeper. They notice that their mind is calmer and they have more clarity of thought."

Stormie O’Martian

Best-Selling Author


"I started taking this therapy once or twice a week and I noticed an immediate difference, so much so that I had my son and daughter start the therapy. They have noticed a tremendous improvement in their health and their calmness. I was also much more calm…. I would begin to feel the vice-like feeling around my head release, and I began to feel more calmness and a greater sense of wellbeing. I noticed my immune system was becoming stronger. There were so many things that I noticed that were an improvement in my health. The thing that affected me the most, that was the most startling thing, was the release of that pressure in my head and my neck and my shoulders. I want to recommend this therapy to you."

Lynne L.

Rancho Palos Verdes, California


"After one HUSO session at my practitioner's office, I realized the great value of using this technology on a daily basis. Dealing with cancer is very frightening and the fear was beginning to consume my life. When I use the HUSO home unit, the calming sounds quickly transcend my consciousness out of fear to a place of peace and trust. I can actually feel a vibrational shift of energy that sets a pace of strength and healing for the day. Thank you for creating this incredible daily experience."

Robert H.

Santa Fe, New Mexico


"I’ve done healing work of different kinds, and this was powerful. My whole body was reset – deeper than a massage or even a sweat lodge...I was really relaxed the rest of the day; actually, I kept noticing the difference for a couple days. This was really something for me because I’m usually a little high strung, working too hard, stressed, all that. All the stress was drained out of me in a few minutes, but I wasn’t unfocused or forgetful – just really calm. The change in my body... changed the way my mind worked. I’ve already recommended HUSO to several friends."

Ginna P.

Chicago, Illinois


"I began sound frequency therapy because of intense anxiety that disrupted every aspect of my life. After several treatments addressing this nervousness and my adrenal glands, I noticed much improvement, and additional sessions have continued to be helpful. I'm so grateful that this treatment is now available."

Dr. Louis Esquivel

San Antonio, Texas


"As a holistic physician, bringing healing and balance to the whole patient includes addressing the biological, mental/emotional/spiritual and energetic systems of the person. HUSO sound therapy has become my primary modality of choice to help patients re-center their energetics as well as bring calm, deep rest and rejuvenation to body and mind. I am grateful that I can offer my patients such an easy to implement and deeply effective therapy such as HUSO!"


Paul Anderson RPSGT

Clinical Director, St. Thomas Hospital Health - Sleep Center


"I am the clinical director for the St. Thomas Hospital Health system of sleep centers. I have been in the sleep medicine field for over 20 years. I recently used HUSO and was completely amazed at how my body felt after just one session. I distinctly remember hearing the various tones, and then simply went somewhere just as the third series of tones began. The next thing I remember was the practitioner opening the door. My entire body was calm and extremely relaxed.

I have worked with patients over the years who suffer from insomnia, anxiety, restless legs, and sleep apnea. I truly believe there is a large segment of the sleep patient population that would greatly benefit by using HUSO."

Dr. Rekha Rao



"I use HUSO therapy for my patients with anxiety and insomnia. They are able to sleep better and deeper. They notice that their mind is calmer and they have more clarity of thought."

Lisa R.


"After just 30 minutes, I found my body going from a highly charged energetic state to one of deep relaxation and then into a deep sleep phase. I have significant issues with sleep, and I had a truly wonderful restorative night sleep that night. Thank you!"

Jennifer H.


"If anyone has sleep issues, this is the best. My 14-year-old is out cold within minutes and is in such a deep sleep that the snoring is mind blowing!! I worry about her moving with the wires on as I baby my machine. Would be lost without it!!"

Linda O.


“I was fearful of a claustrophobic reaction but it went very well. It was very relaxing and it feels like I can sleep.”

Sigrid F.


So, at first I noticed nothing much happening in my body, then I noticed that I fell asleep and that was not because I was tired,  I am never tired during the day. Now I always fall asleep on the machine. At first I fell asleep towards the end of the session, then earlier and earlier during the session. I also noticed that the way I fall asleep is different from when I fall asleep naturally at bedtime. At night, before I fall asleep, I get tired first. On the machine it is like the memory of falling asleep is not there. To explain it a different way I am unable to pinpoint the moment I fall asleep because there is no warning in the form of slowly getting tired first. It is obviously happening all of a sudden. I must be going from alpha to theta in a split second but something happens to my immediate memory that I don't understand. Different sleep from my natural sleep.

It took me at least a month, but now I know that when I get off the machine I am more focused and relaxed, less stressed. That is what the other people describe. Sometimes the ringing in my ears is almost gone. I hope eventually it will be gone for good.”

Dennis D.


“Please accept my sincere thanks for the HUSO sessions I received over the past few weeks. Knowing my history of spinal meningitis/encephalitis at 17 years of age and then the aftermath of chemo and radiation for Stage IV Squamous Cell Carcinoma at age 51, you know that my system was beaten down and in much need of help. I can honestly say that I have begun to see a huge difference since starting HUSO. My wife says that my rough edges have softened. I can say that the mood swings have diminished greatly. I am able to stay asleep for longer periods. I still wake through the night, but I can get back to sleep more quickly now.

I am very thankful for this therapy. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Barbara P.


“I went to sleep and I was very relaxed. I zoned like in meditation”

Kathryn R.


“Very relaxing. I was in and out of sleep.”

Helen F.

Sydney, Australia


I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue in 2002 but was told I had both diseases for over 30 years. I, of course, have used homeopathic treatments, restructured by diet etc. for these past 14 years. My friend told me about HUSO... I have never slept so well in the past 14 years as I have since using HUSO. I use to get up 4-5 times a night but the other night I only got up 1 time. It is a miracle.

I am having the same results as others on the calmness of mind. It is wonderful. Also, my pain from fibromyalgia has decreased which is why I can sleep so much better at night. This has been a real lifesaver. HUSO has helped more in the short time I have used it than all the supplements and diet changes and stress reduction techniques over 14 years.

Mary R.

Bay Fish, Wisconsin


"It's been almost a month since I received HUSO and I am most impressed. My own personal gains include increased energy, decreased anxiousness, better sleep, less reaction to negative energy, a sense of confidence and an ability to be in the moment. Wow! Pretty nice results! Thank you! My whole being is drawn to the tones, so if I miss a day, I know it! Physically, while running the session I can sometimes feel healing taking place...slight physical reactive/uncomfortable sensations followed by release. Thanks so much for all you are doing to help bring the planet to greater awareness and health."

Sarah L.


“My HUSO session-- a nice oasis in the middle of a pretty hectic day!  I did feel more relaxed and comfortable the rest of the day; I actually "missed" some minor musculoskeletal aches in my spine that I've just grown accustomed to having.  Also, had one of the best night's sleep I've had in weeks which was a welcome bonus.”

Emily S


“Fell asleep. very relaxing but not tired like a nap. Felt all tingly, especially arms and hands, like after acupuncture.”

Heather K.


“I felt so relaxed for the rest of the day, and fell asleep when my head hit the pillow. In fact, I somehow turned my two alarms off and snoozed until my husband woke me up, which I haven’t done in ages. I am so excited to do this again, and have told everyone in the office who hasn’t done it that they need to. It was so relaxing, and I feel like I did some purging and grounding.”

Frances T.


“That was such a gift. I can honestly say I felt a huge difference in my whole being when I left. During the therapy it took awhile for me to let my mind go. I had things coming forward that I hadn't thought about in awhile, which is not a bad thing. I noticed I responded to different tones in different ways. I am a psychology major and holistic healthcare minor and I absolutely love everything holistic and therapeutic such as this.  This has been something new for me that I very much enjoyed. Afterwards, I felt a light feeling. Almost airy in a way. I noticed my mood was uplifted and I couldn't exactly put my finger on how I was feeling but it was new and different, good. I can say that I felt relaxed and slept better than I have in a longtime. I am so very eager to continue this and learn more.”

Linda S.


“It was very relaxing --- I slept wonderfully. My right side and liver twitched and was releasing. I see a big potential for this to be used in hospice.”

Kate M.


“That was really nice. I slept some but then I was awake but overall extremely relaxing.”

Andrea W.


“I was queasy before getting on table and it was relieved. I think this will help with my insomnia.”

Patsy H.


“I went into a deep sleep. I was just ready to get up and go when you came in. I got what I needed”


Grace O.


“It aligned my heart and brain. I felt more sensation on left side like it was flowing. It felt like 5 minutes passed instead of 30.”

Cynthia C.


“I loved it. I loved all the sounds and the space in between. I felt it most in my arms where I do energy work on others and it is sensitive there.”

Sigrid F.


So, at first I noticed nothing much happening in my body, then I noticed that I fell asleep and that was not because I was tired,  I am never tired during the day. Now I always fall asleep on the machine. At first I fell asleep towards the end of the session, then earlier and earlier during the session. I also noticed that the way I fall asleep is different from when I fall asleep naturally at bedtime. At night, before I fall asleep, I get tired first. On the machine it is like the memory of falling asleep is not there. To explain it a different way I am unable to pinpoint the moment I fall asleep because there is no warning in the form of slowly getting tired first. It is obviously happening all of a sudden. I must be going from alpha to theta in a split second but something happens to my immediate memory that I don't understand. Different sleep from my natural sleep.

It took me at least a month, but now I know that when I get off the machine I am more focused and relaxed, less stressed. That is what the other people describe. Sometimes the ringing in my ears is almost gone. I hope eventually it will be gone for good.”

Ashley O.


“Nurturing --- grounding --- transmuting."

Christy W.


“Each sound created a different physical sensation. First sound was burning around my eyes. Second one the left hip was "pulling thread." On the third I felt it near the pineal area of my head --- pain stroking left eye brow. Overall I felt a great calmness and I felt safe.”

Frances T.


“That was such a gift. I can honestly say I felt a huge difference in my whole being when I left. During the therapy it took awhile for me to let my mind go. I had things coming forward that I hadn't thought about in awhile, which is not a bad thing. I noticed I responded to different tones in different ways. I am a psychology major and holistic healthcare minor and I absolutely love everything holistic and therapeutic such as this.  This has been something new for me that I very much enjoyed. Afterwards, I felt a light feeling. Almost airy in a way. I noticed my mood was uplifted and I couldn't exactly put my finger on how I was feeling but it was new and different, good. I can say that I felt relaxed and slept better than I have in a longtime. I am so very eager to continue this and learn more.”

Sri T.


“The energy lifted higher and everything accumulated in the throat area. I slept. I really liked it.”

Skylar R.


“Very nice. I zoned and felt very light energy rise up and my body is still vibrating”

Carolyn G.


“This would be amazing in cancer centers. Very relaxing.”

Lynn D.


“Balanced and grounded my core. I wear hearing aids and I couldn't hear the sounds until I put the floater pad near my pineal area --- then wow, it was like singing bowls.”

Michael W.


“I went to a space where I cleared my chakras. I could hear the overtones and undertones. I held the space and got all on board and allowed.”


Stormie O’Martian

Best-Selling Author


"I started taking this therapy once or twice a week and I noticed an immediate difference, so much so that I had my son and daughter start the therapy. They have noticed a tremendous improvement in their health and their calmness. I was also much more calm…. I would begin to feel the vice-like feeling around my head release, and I began to feel more calmness and a greater sense of wellbeing. I noticed my immune system was becoming stronger. There were so many things that I noticed that were an improvement in my health. The thing that affected me the most, that was the most startling thing, was the release of that pressure in my head and my neck and my shoulders. I want to recommend this therapy to you."

Susan Rohr BSN, RN

Owner of Brookfield Health and Wellness


"HUSO created a deep and vital shift in my entire being with one treatment. As an integrative practitioner, I am very selective in equipment therapy that I bring into my clinic for my Lyme, chronic infection and cancer-based patients. HUSO brings an element of healing that patients of all ages will benefit from on a physical, emotional and spiritual level."

Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD

World Renowned Holistic MD + Founder of Klinghardt Academy and Sophia Health Institute


"HUSO is the perfect complement to our treatment protocols. I find it balances the autonomic nervous system allowing patients to go more deeply within after treatments. HUSO is an excellent meditative and relaxing technique that can activate the higher levels of healing and can potentiate most other treatment modalities."

Dennis D.


“Please accept my sincere thanks for the HUSO sessions I received over the past few weeks. Knowing my history of spinal meningitis/encephalitis at 17 years of age and then the aftermath of chemo and radiation for Stage IV Squamous Cell Carcinoma at age 51, you know that my system was beaten down and in much need of help. I can honestly say that I have begun to see a huge difference since starting HUSO. My wife says that my rough edges have softened. I can say that the mood swings have diminished greatly. I am able to stay asleep for longer periods. I still wake through the night, but I can get back to sleep more quickly now.

I am very thankful for this therapy. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Other Therapies

Eric. S

Seattle, Washington


“Love HUSO - simply the most calming and centering sound therapy I have ever tried - and I have tried dozens of meditation tracks, 2 PEMF type devices, and many body-mind techniques. And what is fantastic is that the calm is very deep and durable lasting for hours if not days. And everything else I am doing to support my health just seems to work better…”

Helen F.

Sydney, Australia


I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue in 2002 but was told I had both diseases for over 30 years. I, of course, have used homeopathic treatments, restructured by diet etc. for these past 14 years. My friend told me about HUSO... I have never slept so well in the past 14 years as I have since using HUSO. I use to get up 4-5 times a night but the other night I only got up 1 time. It is a miracle.

I am having the same results as others on the calmness of mind. It is wonderful. Also, my pain from fibromyalgia has decreased which is why I can sleep so much better at night. This has been a real lifesaver. HUSO has helped more in the short time I have used it than all the supplements and diet changes and stress reduction techniques over 14 years.

Ted L.

Seattle, Washington


“Huso is AWESOME. Even with all the neural feedback therapy I do, diet and supplements all dialed in, photobiomodulation, PEMF, workouts, yoga, cold lasers, all the biohacking stuff I do all the time, there is no question the sound therapy works. I notice a difference day to day. It really does take you out of fight or flight mode. And I should know - running this business is essentially a requirement to deal with problems in real time, all the time. There is never any break. So I really find myself looking forward to a session with the unit because it's an actual, honest to god, break.”

Rachel L.


“Prior to experiencing HUSO, I was familiar with research regarding the balancing properties of sound frequencies. In fact, I often use sound in my Reiki healing practice. HUSO takes this to a completely new level by revolutionizing the use of harmonic frequencies to produce wholeness on spiritual, emotional, and physical levels. I felt calmer, healthier, and more grounded after just one treatment. In addition, I noticed more energy and mental clarity throughout the day. I strongly recommend this modality as a part of an overall wellness plan, as it can optimize other therapeutic methods and techniques.”

Tammy R.

Neurofeedback Practitioner


“HUSO took me to deep alpha like neurofeedback process. Slowed my breathing and heart rate. Aspects of kundalini yoga”

Physicians, Sleep Experts

Paul Anderson RPSGT

Clinical Director, St. Thomas Hospital Health - Sleep Center


"I am the clinical director for the St. Thomas Hospital Health system of sleep centers. I have been in the sleep medicine field for over 20 years. I recently used HUSO and was completely amazed at how my body felt after just one session. I distinctly remember hearing the various tones, and then simply went somewhere just as the third series of tones began. The next thing I remember was the practitioner opening the door. My entire body was calm and extremely relaxed.

I have worked with patients over the years who suffer from insomnia, anxiety, restless legs, and sleep apnea. I truly believe there is a large segment of the sleep patient population that would greatly benefit by using HUSO."

Dr. Louis Esquivel

San Antonio, Texas


"As a holistic physician, bringing healing and balance to the whole patient includes addressing the biological, mental/emotional/spiritual and energetic systems of the person. HUSO sound therapy has become my primary modality of choice to help patients re-center their energetics as well as bring calm, deep rest and rejuvenation to body and mind. I am grateful that I can offer my patients such an easy to implement and deeply effective therapy such as HUSO!"

Dr. Rekha Rao



"I use HUSO therapy for my patients with anxiety and insomnia. They are able to sleep better and deeper. They notice that their mind is calmer and they have more clarity of thought."

Susan Rohr BSN, RN

Owner of Brookfield Health and Wellness


"HUSO created a deep and vital shift in my entire being with one treatment. As an integrative practitioner, I am very selective in equipment therapy that I bring into my clinic for my Lyme, chronic infection and cancer-based patients. HUSO brings an element of healing that patients of all ages will benefit from on a physical, emotional and spiritual level."

Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD

World Renowned Holistic MD + Founder of Klinghardt Academy and Sophia Health Institute


"HUSO is the perfect complement to our treatment protocols. I find it balances the autonomic nervous system allowing patients to go more deeply within after treatments. HUSO is an excellent meditative and relaxing technique that can activate the higher levels of healing and can potentiate most other treatment modalities."

Kena McClure, RN, LMT

Owner of Agave Massage


"HUSO has proven to be a vital key in supporting total wellness both professionally and personally. Clients have reported lasting improvements in such areas as relaxation, clearer focus, and a quicker return to health during an illness. As a wellness practitioner, I can attest to the amazing value it brings following massage therapy. HUSO is a cornerstone I will continue to offer clients as they support and rebuild their wellbeing for life.”

Mental Clarity

Derrick Morgan

Linebacker, Tennessee Titans


"I was referred to HUSO by someone who said it would make you feel "relaxed". After my first session, it did just that. However, I noticed several additional benefits such as a calmness of mind. I was able to compete at a high level due to an increased level of focus and clarity. It seemed as if the game slowed down for me and I was able to just flow. I am a big believer in taking care of your mind first in order to take care of the rest of your body and HUSO has been a welcomed addition to my overall training regimen."

Rachel L.


“Prior to experiencing HUSO, I was familiar with research regarding the balancing properties of sound frequencies. In fact, I often use sound in my Reiki healing practice. HUSO takes this to a completely new level by revolutionizing the use of harmonic frequencies to produce wholeness on spiritual, emotional, and physical levels. I felt calmer, healthier, and more grounded after just one treatment. In addition, I noticed more energy and mental clarity throughout the day. I strongly recommend this modality as a part of an overall wellness plan, as it can optimize other therapeutic methods and techniques.”

WeiKheng F.

Los Angeles, California


I use HUSO on my 23-year-old son who has difficulty keeping focus and track of what he is doing. After using the home unit, he reports a significant increase in his concentration level, and ability to sleep more soundly. I observe that my son seems more focused and less distracted. I just wish I had this machine a few years earlier when my son was in High School where the benefits would have been extremely useful to him then. 
I've also used HUSO on a good friend of mine, and the results were a dramatic increase in his ability to concentrate and a more calm demeanor observed not only by this person, but also noticed by me. 
I use the HUSO machine on myself often. I find the Clarity mode to have the most benefit for me. I suffer from debilitating chronic pains, and I have trouble keeping focus as well as suffer from insomnia. While HUSO helps me in both areas, the most benefits I notice are my ability to keep alert, concentrate better, and have a higher level of energy within me that lasts for a few days each time I use the machine. HUSO is amazing for what it can do and I'm very happy with my investment!"

Dr. Rekha Rao



"I use HUSO therapy for my patients with anxiety and insomnia. They are able to sleep better and deeper. They notice that their mind is calmer and they have more clarity of thought."

Susan Rohr BSN, RN

Owner of Brookfield Health and Wellness


"HUSO created a deep and vital shift in my entire being with one treatment. As an integrative practitioner, I am very selective in equipment therapy that I bring into my clinic for my Lyme, chronic infection and cancer-based patients. HUSO brings an element of healing that patients of all ages will benefit from on a physical, emotional and spiritual level."

Eric. S

Seattle, Washington


“Love HUSO - simply the most calming and centering sound therapy I have ever tried - and I have tried dozens of meditation tracks, 2 PEMF type devices, and many body-mind techniques. And what is fantastic is that the calm is very deep and durable lasting for hours if not days. And everything else I am doing to support my health just seems to work better…”

Robert H.

Santa Fe, New Mexico


"I’ve done healing work of different kinds, and this was powerful. My whole body was reset – deeper than a massage or even a sweat lodge...I was really relaxed the rest of the day; actually, I kept noticing the difference for a couple days. This was really something for me because I’m usually a little high strung, working too hard, stressed, all that. All the stress was drained out of me in a few minutes, but I wasn’t unfocused or forgetful – just really calm. The change in my body... changed the way my mind worked. I’ve already recommended HUSO to several friends."



Barrett M.


"I am very sensitive to electromagnetic fields, including cellphones and digital screens. After I did my first HUSO I was able to drive home without the GPS screen in my car giving me a headache. My energy and mood, which had been brought down, were much better."

Rachel L.


"I often use sound in my Reiki healing practice. HUSO takes this to a completely new level by revolutionizing the use of harmonic frequencies to produce wholeness on spiritual, emotional, and physical levels. I felt calmer, healthier, and more grounded after just one treatment. In addition, I noticed more energy and mental clarity throughout the day. I strongly recommend this modality as a part of an overall wellness plan, as it can optimize other therapeutic methods and techniques."

Lisa R.


"After just 30 minutes, I found my body going from a highly charged energetic state to one of deep relaxation and then into a deep sleep phase. I have significant issues with sleep, and I had a truly wonderful restorative night sleep that night. Thank you!"

Jennifer H.


"If anyone has sleep issues, this is the best. My 14-year-old is out cold within minutes and is in such a deep sleep that the snoring is mind blowing!! I worry about her moving with the wires on as I baby my machine. Would be lost without it!!"

Heather T.


"Okay, I had HUSO done yesterday and there are no words to describe where that took me. All I know is that I was in a place of complete comfort and peace with everything. Being that I struggle with anxiety, I like to find a more alternative solution than modern medicine to heal my body mind and soul. I believe I have found just that. I walked out with the confidence that I CAN be who I want to be and feel good all around. My mom even noticed a significant change in my stress and anxiety levels from when she dropped me off at my appointment. Thanks again!"



"The HUSO technology is amazingly effective. I first used the tones in the sound sampler pack and now use them and the additional tones with the equipment. Both produce outstanding results. The tones themselves resonate throughout my body and I can feel my cells come alive. When played through the equipment, I can feel the vibrations penetrating through the cells and into distinctive organs. Directing the tones to different parts of the body seems to magnify the benefits. Today I felt my lungs open and I started to breath more deeply. The tingling aliveness in the body continues even after use. I've worked with many tones and feel there is something special in these."

Shawn G.


"I find the HUSO frequency therapy to be a profound tool for coming back to peace and balance in my life. I am able to fully let go and allow the tones to take me into deep states of relaxation and rejuvenation. On several occasions, I go so far out that I am not sure where I am when I come back. Whenever this happens to me, I know that I am integrating and balancing at a deep level. Great stuff!"


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