How Sound Can Bring Us Together

April 20, 2018

How Sound Can Bring Us Together Whenever humans gather together to celebrate, to mourn, to mark the seasons, to honor sacred moments, you will find the sound of voices raised in unison, harmonizing to sing out joy, to give voice to grief, to lift the spirit, to transform a singular emotional experience into something greater…

trouble with emfs

The Trouble with EMF’s

April 17, 2018

THE TROUBLE WITH EMF’S Looks like we may be headed for trouble. There is mounting evidence that all the wireless devices we have fallen in love with and have come to rely on are impacting us in unexpected and alarming ways. Recent findings from many laboratory and clinical studies point to the inescapable fact that…

stress assassin

How to Save Yourself From The Stress Assassin (15 Things You Can Try Now)

January 4, 2017

Defeat the Stress Assassin NOW! A little stress is a good thing. Imagine you have just stepped off the curb and are walking across the road headed for your favorite coffee shop to grab a mocha latte. You have made it to the centerline when an out-of-control eighteen-wheeler rounds the corner heading straight toward you…

how does sound frequency heal us

How Does Sound Frequency Heal Us?

September 8, 2016

How does sound frequency heal us? According to many ancient mythologies and spiritual texts, sound created the world. The Universe and all that it contains was spoken or sung into being. The Word called forth all things from the great chaotic Void. Cutting edge science tells us that sound is a powerful carrier of information…

lack of sleep

Lack of Sleep Is Turning Us Into a Zombie Nation

August 22, 2016

You know what’s frightening? The world is losing its ability to sleep. Over 60 million men, women and children in the United States alone are members of the tossing-and-turning, flipping-through-channels, pacing-the-floor, can’t fall-or-stay-asleep club. Day by day, club membership is growing by leaps and bounds. Odds are that you or someone you love has already,…