How Does HUSO compare to Binaural Beats?

Binaural beats vs HUSO

HUSO vs Binaural Beats

This is one of the most common questions we get here at HUSO. Let’s first dive into what binaural beats actually are, and then we’ll share about what sound healing is, both in general terms and regarding HUSO


Binaural beats

Binaural beats are relatively new in terms of their discovery. A German inventor, Heinrich Wilhelm Dove first discovered them in 1839, but they only started catching on with the general public after a 1973 article that appeared in Scientific American by Gerald Oster


Binaural beats work by delivering different frequencies into each ear through headphones. The brain then “entrains” to the difference in the two frequencies, thereby bringing it into a desired dominant brain wave state. Thus if one ear receives a frequency of 400 Hz, and the other is at 405 Hz, the brain entrains to the 5 Hz difference.


Brainwave States

All people experience different dominant brainwave states throughout the day. When you first wake up, you’re still in a “theta” brainwave state. This is characteristic of light sleep, deep meditation, or even REM sleep and falls between 4-7 Hz. During the night, you went through a delta brainwave state. In this state, you’re in deep sleep and your brainwaves are between 0.5 and 4 Hz. As you feel more awake in the morning, you move into a beta brainwave state, somewhere between 13-30 Hz. This is the predominant state you are in throughout the day. 

Let’s say you work on something where you feel “completely in the flow.” You have entered a gamma brainwave state where you’re highly focused and alert. Ever do something where you completely lose track of time? That’s indicative of a gamma state, with your brainwaves falling somewhere between 30-50 Hz. Later in the day, perhaps after you’ve had your dinner and you sit down to unwind, your brainwaves start to slow down. You move into an alpha state, about 7-13 Hz. You’re more relaxed, and perhaps even feel more creative.

Using Binaural Beats

Binaural beats - also known as brainwave entrainment - can help induce these different brainwave states. 

And why would you want to do that?

Binaural beats have many potential benefits: they can help reduce stress with alpha waves, help move you deeper into meditation by using theta waves, or help you to focus with gamma waves. 

In order for them to work, you need a quiet space so you can listen with headphones. The tones need to be less than 1000 Hz, preferably much less, for the brain to be able to detect tonal differences and entrain to them. 

Depending on your goal for binaural beats, you can change up how and where you approach listening to them. For example, it’s best to listen in a quiet setting where you won’t be disturbed when you want to go deeper into meditation. For activities where you might like to do something creative or when you need to focus on your work, you can use binaural beats wherever you are able to listen with headphones and can work on your craft.

Binaural Beats Studies

Here’s the thing about binaural beats: a number of studies have shown that their benefits are inconclusive. Other studies show a positive correlation between long-term listening and improving sleep or other disorders, such as reducing anxiety or increasing your ability to focus. Regardless of these findings, binaural beats generally feature calming, soothing tracks reminiscent of New Age music.

Sound Healing

Since humans have existed, they have communicated via sound (among other methods of communication). They project their voice through the air, with sounds and vibrations radiating outward. Another human or animal receives those vibrational sounds and responds accordingly. Human sound is ancient. Healing with human sound is also an ancient practice. 

Sound healing has different modalities, such as through listening, chanting or singing, playing an instrument, or moving to music. 

Sound Vibrations

Everything that exists - organic or not - has a vibration. This is the premise behind sound healing. Scientists have said that “synchronized vibration is at the heart of human consciousness and physical reality.” This is called “resonance.” Even different parts of the body have their own vibration. When they fall out of resonance, illness can occur. This is where sound healing can help. The vibrations affect human tissue and can re-synchronize them.

Understanding how sound works with the body

In a practical sense, it’s not difficult to understand that when someone speaks harshly, it doesn’t feel good to you. No one likes it when someone yells in anger, or when a person screams. But when someone uses comforting words in a soothing voice, you naturally feel better or more at ease. 

Similarly, the work of Dr. Emoto illustrates how positive and negative sounds have an effect on their environment, specifically the formation of crystals in freezing water. Harsh, negative phrases result in misshapen, malformed crystals. Conversely, positive, loving, or gratuitous speech create whole, intricate and balanced formations. Translate that to the human body which is about 70% water and you begin to understand just how much sound can affect your physical being. 

Human Sound Studies

A number of reviews and studies have already been conducted on “music as medicine.” Researchers have found plenty of evidence that sound healing has myriad physical and mental benefits. Though science is still catching up, there are already a number of doctors throughout the US and around the world who use sound healing as part of their treatment plans with their patients.

Human Sound Healing

Human sound healing involves listening to or creating sounds with the human voice. People respond to the sound of others’ voices - through word and song. Unlike binaural beats, the human voice is not dependent on digital technology - as long as you have vocal chords, you can create sounds.

Healing with HUSO

Where HUSO comes in is that even though the sounds are delivered through a small machine, they include the full range of healing human sound frequencies. The programs are “lossless:" they are not subjected to digital compression, as is what happens with binaural beats. They are created with a strong intention to promote healing. These frequencies create harmony and synchronization for the listener. 

By listening to human sound frequencies, the thinking mind naturally slows down. Your brain entrains to the sounds which help you feel more present and aware of yourself. As you slow down, your breath slows down with you. Slower breathing equals a higher level of relaxation. 

HUSO Programs

HUSO’s different programs have various human sound frequencies to create a desired result. With HUSO, unlike with binaural beats, ideally you want to listen when you have a 10, 15 or a 30-minute time frame, where you can let the tones do their work - even with the FOCUS program. Allow yourself this time, and then go and do the work you need to accomplish. 

Some of the original HUSO programs are as follows:

If you’re interested in having a better night’s sleep, you’ll want to try the CALM program

If you find that you need to relax, you can try SERENITY or RELAX. Both programs have soothing tones. 

Maybe you need to quiet your mind or are looking for inspiration. The CLARITY program is helpful here.

Problem-solving or needing to pay closer attention to a task? The FOCUS program will help with that. 

Perhaps you feel worried or are experiencing grief. Give the COMFORT program a try.

If you have a headache or other aches and pains, the RELIEF program can help address them.

If you want to expand your mind, and perhaps elevate your consciousness, use the EXPAND program. 

Do you have old issues that need to be resolved? The RELEASE program can help facilitate that. 

GROUND is a great program if you’re feeling “spaced out,” or feel like you have mental fog. 

We have found that the frequencies reach their greatest effectiveness when you listen to the same program for a minimum of 4-8 sessions. The vast majority of HUSO users report that they have had positive experiences with our HUSO units. It’s all due to the POWER of human sound! 

Want more tips on finding some calm in your life? Download our free guide, "How to Live Stress-free in a Stress-filled World"

About Cynthia Calhoun

Cynthia is freelance graphic and web designer for HUSO. She enjoys designing things of all kinds, content marketing, email marketing and more.